Schedule of Fees 2020

Equestrian Queensland Memberships expire on 31 December of each year.

Membership Category Part-Year Membership
(Jul - Dec )
Competitor Senior $210
Competitor Junior* $150
Supporter - Officials $115
Supporter - Owners $115
Supporter - Coach $115
Supporter - Other $115
Participant Senior $125
Participant Junior* $110
Recreational Senior  $90
Recreational Junior* $85
Joining/Lapsed Fee (waived until further notice) $50
Sport Affiliate (Schools, Show Society) $100
Sport Affiliate (Breed Society,National Ass.) $190
Commercial Affiliate (Riding Centre, Studs, Event Organisers etc.) $400
Registrations and Additional Fees  
Full Life Horse Registration (allow 7 business days) $195
Priority Processing Fee (for horse documents only, completed within 2 business days)  $75
Base Horse Registration  NO FEE
Transfer $110 
Change of Registered Name $160
Duplicate Registration Certificate $110 
EQ Lease Notification $110 
Bridle Numbers (for Dressage) $30 
*Competitive Junior Members (aged 10-18) who are also Pony Club Members, are eligible to apply for the Competitive EA/PCA Dual Junior Membership Refund of $50.00 ($25 if paid in the second part of the renewal cycle). To receive this refund, you must provide the EQ Office with either a copy of your payment receipt for PCA or your PCA membership card the current calendar year. We also required bank details to enable us to process your rebate. The EA/PCA Dual Junior membership refund is only available until the close of the membership year.