EVENTS > Education
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 05/06/2023.
Add to your Calendar 20-06-2023 00:00:00 22-06-2023 00:00:00 Australia/Sydney EA Jump Judge / Course Design Accreditation Workshop / Refresher EA Jump Judge / Course Design Accreditation Workshop / Refresher Location not provided
20th June 2023

EA Jump Judge / Course Design Accreditation Workshop / Refresher

Are you interested in becoming an EA Jump Judge or an EA Jumping Course Designer?

Or are you a current EA Jump Judge or Course Designer that requires a refresher/update or would you like to updgrade your accreditation?

We would like to invite you to the upcoming Jumping Queensland EA Jump Judge / Course Design Accreditation Workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday 20-21 June at the Queensland State Equestrian Centre (QSEC), Caboolture.

The EA Course Design Workshop is with presenter Gavin Chester and the EA Jump Judge Workshop is with presenter Anne Garner.

Cost: $55 / EQ member  (Includes Morning Tea and Lunch)

EQ membership is required.

Registrations close Sunday 18 June 2023.

To register, CLICK HERE. 

Any enquiries please contact Terri Langdon on 0403 018 957 or the Equestrian Queensland office on 3891 6611 or email [email protected]