NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 29/05/2017.

2017 Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship

The Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship is an amazing opportunity for a young rider who has the dedication and talent, but not the financial means, to enter into the equestrian industry. The scholarship includes the ownership of a purpose bred weanling foal by Lauries As - one of the best performed Hanoverian stallions in Australia, plus a sponsorship package which includes feed from Prydes Easifeed; a saddle, saddlecloth and bridle from Edwards Saddleworld; 10 weeks training by Team Van Den Berge when the horse turns three years old; life registration with Equestrian Queensland; registration and merchandise from the Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia; legal support from Horseforce; show product from Dr Show; riding apparel from Belrock Equestrian; veterinary care from Westvets; registration and merchandise from the HHSA; transport from Manuel Equine Transport; and support from Equestrian Australia and the Brisbane CDI.   To be considered for the receipt of this amazing scholarship valued at over $30,000, riders should complete the application form below and submit it to Cheryl O'Brien at [email protected]

Applicants are eligible from the beginning of the year in which they turn 12 to the end of the year in which they turn 18.

Applicants should provide the following information to accompany their application form:

  • A letter describing why you believe you would be a worthy recipient of the scholarship - this should include current training level; short, medium and long term goals in the equestrian industry; and information regarding how this scholarship would allow and support your future goals
  • A letter from your parent or guardian stating that they approve of your application, why they think you would benefit from the Scholarship, and that are prepared to commit the time and support necessary to care for the horse
  • A letter from your current coach supporting your application, and why they think you would benefit from the Scholarship, and stating how they will be involved in the preparation of this young horse

 Applications must be received by 30 June 2017.   Successful finalists will be notified by email and will be required to attend the Brisbane CDI on 15th July, 2017, when the winner will be announced and presentations made.  

Application Form 

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