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Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 16/03/2017.

Equestrian Queensland 2016 AGM

The Equestrian Queensland 2016 AGM was held at Sports House South at Woolloongabba at 6pm Wednesday 15 March, 2017. 

The business of the meeting included the audited financials for the year ended 31 December 2016 and the adoption of the full 2016 Annual Report, which were presented. 

Treasurer Chris Lok was pleased to report another strong financial year with revenue growth and a healthy consolidated surplus which outperformed forecast.

CEO Matt Helmers highlighted another successful year including growth in membership, horse registrations and sponsorship revenue as well as securing another three year commitment from the Queensland Government for 2017-2019 for organisational support under the state development program which provides funding to sport committees, clubs, coaches and officials to continue to build capacity to service growth.

The meeting also unanimously carried the special resolution for constitution amendments which had been initially proposed at the annual sport committee forum in October and ratified the Board and Sport Committees nominations received.

Chairman David Finch highlighted some achievements under strategic priorities and thanked the outgoing sport committee chairs Anita Barton (DQ), Brendan Croese (EvQ) and David Waller (VQ) for their contributions and upholding their pledge to hand over the reins in better shape. Charles Gregory was welcomed to the board of directors and thanked outgoing director Chris Lok for his service.

The AGM was immediately followed by a board meeting where David Finch was re-elected as chair, Cathi Collier as vice chair and Charles Gregory as Treasurer. Dressage Queensland elected Nicole Tough as chair, Ashley Pryde as vice chair, Leesa Murray as Treasurer and Amy Gale as secretary.  The other sport committees have their first post-AGM meeting to elect their executive scheduled over the coming month. 

2016 Annual Report

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