NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Queensland on 14/04/2021.

EQ Safety Forums with Meredith Chapman EA National Safety Officer

Equestrian Queensland recently facilitated two EQ Safety Forums with special guest Meredith Chapman EA National Safety Offier.

The EQ Sport Committee Safety Forum was held on 7 April and the Affilated Club, Show Society and Event Organiser Safety Forum was held on 8 April 2021. In total over the two Forums there were 53 representatives who attended either by zoom or in person. 

We thank Meredith Chapman for the opportunity and for increasing awareness and improving our knowlege on the new EA safety initiaties and procedures.

To learn more, CLICK HERE. 

If you missed out or if you are an EA coach, we encourage you to attend one of the upcoming Concussion Training opportunies. For more information and to register, CLICK HERE.

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