NEWS > General
Posted by Samantha Duffy on 18/03/2015.

AGM and Election Outcomes


The Equestrian Queensland AGM was held at Sports House South at Woolloogabba at 7pm on Wednesday 18 March, 2015. 

The business of the meeting included the audited financials for the year ended 31 December 2014 and the adoption of the full 2014 Annual Report, which were presented - click here.  The full Annual Report was provided to the membership for viewing on Monday, 16 March, 2015. 

The meeting addressed the election of Board and Sport Committees

Equestrian Queensland Board 

David Finch

Sue Austin

were declared elected to a three year term on the Board of Equestrian Queensland.

Dressage Queensland

Nicole Tough

Kate Wilson

were declared elected to a three year term on the Dressage Queensland Committee.


The following people had been nominated to be a representative of the Carriage Driving Queensland Committee and were elected unopposed. 

1.       Michael Borg

2.       Eugen Dillmann

The following people have been nominated to be a representative of the Interschool Queensland Committee and were elected unopposed.

1.       Karen Morris

2.       Tracey Sexton

The following people have been nominated to be a representative of the Vaulting Queensland Committee and were elected unopposed. 

1.      Durani Cumming

2.      Melanie Fedrick

The following people have been nominated to be a representative of the respective sport committees, but we did not receive sufficient interest to fill 2 positions up for election. They were elected unopposed. 

Eventing Queensland              Richard King

Show Horse Queensland         Vicki Matheson


Election outcomes have now been ratified at the AGM on Wednesday 18 March, 2015. 


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