Education News

TOPIC – DVD entitled “If Horses Could Speak” - comes highly recommended so very keen to see
WHEN - 24th April 2015
WHERE – 1895 Chambers Flat rd ,...

Equestrian Australia are conducting a Queensland CE/SSTA Update Course on Wednesday 22nd- Thursday 23rd April 2015.
Early bird registration closes on the 1st of April...

Free Jumping Clinic and Werner Deeg Master Class
Calling all current and future jumping officials – here is a fantastic opportunity to secure your qualifications and...

Come along to the Para Equestrian Information Night to learn more about the sport of Para Equestrian/Dressage
Wednesday, 11 March, 7.30pm
Venue: Sports House,...

An FEI Refresher Seminar will be held for Course Designers in Sydney from 10-12 April 2015.
The course will be hosted by FEI 4* Course Designers Werner Deeg (GER) and...

Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to announce the reaccreditation period for NCAS coaches and NOAS officials has been extended from two years to three.
The extension...