Get involved in the working parties for the new EA NCAS Coaching Pathway
Calling all members…
EA NCAS Coaching Content Review
Working Party Application Form
Equestrian Australia is in the process of reviewing and reformatting the NCAS Coaching Pathway. As a result we are asking for applications from equestrian community members to form discipline specific working parties to be involved in the content review.
EA is looking to attract not just current coaches but riders of all abilities and other equestrian specialists who are interested in implementing change into the existing coaching process.
This role is voluntary but your contributions will be recognised. The review will take place over the next 6 months and will require adhoc hours of commitment either face to face or via teleconference (depending on your location)
Please complete all sections of this application and provide specific examples when specified. Please email any questions through to [email protected]
Closing Date for applications is COB Friday 14th April